When you really want someone's attention, whisper.
It's long been a fact that the squeeky wheel gets the oil, but rarely the attention. As years of living have taught me, it's the one who quiets in the moment, waits for the opportunity and whispers who has the undivided attention of those around. That's also the person who truly has something to say.
Those who crank the loudest rarely have anything of value to exchange, they simply make noise because they want attention and demand you notice them. Their purpose is selfish and lacks value.
And yet...
The value of notice can be an achievement.
Recently, I became part of a group joining in and participating in the fun, and it was a popular position. But then, slowly, one member of the group became demanding and self oriented. When I stepped back long enough to watch, I realized the self centered issues this person spouted were rarely of any value for the rest of the group. A leader? No, simply the loudest member of the group. I'd aligned myself with one who cranked a lot, but rarely accomplished much on her own. She depended on others to accomplish for her while she took the credit.
Leadership brings along a valuable portion of responsibility. If you can't carry your own load, don't attempt the position.
The value of leadership is in the direction of travel. When you forget where you're going, and the leader of the pack isn't taking you where you want to go, there's something wrong. Fix it.
Slow down long enough to redirect, refocus, find your direction again and shift gears to move steadily in the direction that will meet your goals. When you're going the right direction in life, your momentum will take you there, you won't need the squeeky wheel. Be sure the light of your focus is the true source of reality rather than a meer reflection of what you seek. Labels: accomplishment, achievement, Leadership, opportunity |