When those tough moments come and you wonder why you're struggling, you might want to consider your values...
While reading a commentary on www.buttsaboutit.com I realized that in my own life, I struggle to maintain the love of God for others. My values are strong, and sometimes I become judgemental about the way others live. But... Is it really about them?
We are called to unconditional love. That doesn't mean we're always sweet, ignorant and easy to please. It does mean that we're always kind and loving when we face the enemy.
I'm thinking this moment about my wonderful grandbaby. I wouldn't dream of not being kind and loving to her, but I also would not dream of allowing her to step over the line and do something that would injure her. There are times when unconditional love means I tell her "No!"
Building a truly decadent life where you indulge in loving and sharing with others may mean you have to present and maintain a boundary. Can you do that? Can you tell your friend, "I love you, but what you're doing is wrong, and I can't condone it by being with you right now?"
Can you tell your children, "I love you, but I'm not going to allow you to pursue this line of action. You're grounded."
Can you tell your spouse, "I love you. I love you enough to tell you that what you're doing right now is dangerous to our relationship. Please stop."
What about changing your own behavior to correct your own errant issues?
A most decadent and enriching life will be one where you follow the rules and stay on the side of right, no matter what your friends do. You can literally love the sinner and hate the sin. Be kind and loving when you tell them their behavior is an abomination!Labels: Butts About It, Decadent Living, enriching lives |