Making Friends - 5 Ways to Meet New Kids When You Home SchoolEveryone always asks me if I get lonely when I home school, since I don’t have any friends. But, I think it’s a silly question, because I have a lot of friends.
This is my 5 favorite ways about how to make friends when you home school. I’m going to tell you, so you won’t have to worry if I have enough social time, or not.
Favorite Way #1: Be active in your community.Get involved in stuff that happens in your town. Join the Arbor Society, or at least show up when you have a chance to plant trees, and then really help out. Work hard so they’ll call you and invite you to come the next time. People remember you when you work real hard.
Favorite Way #2: When there’s a crisis, offer to help.When the Tornado struck Holly, Colorado earlier this month, I went to help out. I wanted to help people who lost their homes. I helped pack lunches, carried boxes of water, loaded up trash, and helped wipe off tables after the people ate breakfast. Their homes were destroyed and they really appreciated having good food to eat.
Favorite Way #3: Go to Church.Go to church, get to know Christ as your personal Savior, and invite everyone you meet to come to church too. Get involved in youth group, go on missions trips, and go to camp. Enjoy the activities and take leadership roles whenever possible.
Favorite Way #5: Join Boy Scouts and become an Eagle Scout.If you’re a guy, join Boy Scouts and take it seriously. When I’m wearing my uniform I take my pledge to help others seriously, then when I take my uniform off, I still help others, because it’s a good thing to do. I am active in events the Boy Scouts do, and I try to attend every event. Like one weekend, we went skiing, I had a great time with my friends, got some exercise, and learned to ski on Monarch.
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I learned in home school and I signed up for my Mom’s FREE ebook “5 Simple Ways to Write Your Own Ebook” and a FREE Subscription to her ezine at and now I’m working on my first ebook “How To Make Friends When You Home School.” Stay tuned in to my blog at and I’ll tell you when I get it done.
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