With all the sparkle and shine of Valentine's Day passing into distant history, the next holiday celebrating the decadent chocolate extravagance would be Easter?
Often, though we pick our favorite kind of chocolate bunny, there are many other kinds of chocolate that might be more decadent for this holiday. Consider a white chocolate cheese cake with raspberry sauce, or a 7 layer chocolate cake with white coconut frosting? How about a rack of lamb with savory chocolate sauce or hot cross buns with chocolate drizzle?
When I hear the many comments about chocolate, or dressing up for the parties, or hunting Easter eggs, I wonder if we've forgotten what Easter is all about. It's not the dress you wear, or the kind of hat you buy, or even whether or not you wear white shoes... It is about the risen Christ. Christ arose on the morning we now celebrate as Easter Sunday.
A savior, born on Christmas, raised by a carpenter, taught in the synagogues and walked the roads of Galilee, hung on a cross on Calvary and rose again, three days later, to save your soul from eternal damnation. That's what Easter is all about.
The Rich Delicious Decadence of lives well lived, where giving to others is greater than giving to self, where loving brings more reward than being loved. Marketing the lifestyle of Christianity brings satisfaction and gratitude. The understanding of gratitude and when to be grateful brings the delicious satisfaction of knowing you can have the miracle of salvation, forgiveness and gratitude.
Just invite the savior into your life and experience the wonder.
Has it truly been over a year since I posted about Oris George sucking up chocolate cake, and Danielle threatened to out me if I tattled? My gosh, it's been a busy year.
In the past year, chocolate has become a reality in my diet (as if it wasn't already) and I've learned that I can have a piece of chocolate and still enjoy a healthy life. (Someone told me dark chocolate is good for the heart, so I've given up milk chocolate for the cause.)
But then, there's that other story --- you know, the one about "one moment on the lips, forever on the hips". Yeah, that story. I knew you'd remember. Well, in the past year, ole Oris gave up chocolate (almost) for a short period of time and lost most of his excess weight (he still has that ugly thing hanging over his shoulders though) and has gotten back his perty trim bod - looks like a 17 year old girl overdressed in khakis and a white Sunday go to meeting shirt most of the time. (But he don't wear pink!)
Meanwhile, the rest of us accepted the fact that we've eaten a lot of chocolate over the years and it's stuck back there on our butt cheeks. Until... Well, that's the trade off.
If you're going to live in a high rise in Denver, loving every minute of the LoDo life style, you'd better get your face out of the chocolate wrapper and your butt into some jiggly coins and a belly dancer skirt (according to my daughter the belly dancing virtuoso of motherhood). So, I caved. I figured if I was going to sink my teeth into the chocolate, I'd have to work it off somehow, and well... belly dancing looks like fun. Jiggling jiggly coins all over the place looks a whole lot better than a bowl full of belly jelly. Come on, Santa, let's do the belly dancing jiggle!
Oris --- if you find this and repost, I may have to hurt you!!!
Pure, delicious, melt in your mouth rich chocolate to entice your taste buds, tickle your funny bone, and enrich your life.
The Chocolate Drop
A Newsletter promoting Prosperity and Abundance
without Secrecy.
Don't miss a single morsel of chocolate! Get your bite of heart healthy dark chocolate from one of these great recipes! Chocolate
About Me
Name: Jan Verhoeff Home: Colorado About Me: This chocolate lover, writer, and artist, from Southeastern Colorado promotes the value of abundance and prosperity in all areas of life. For more information see Secret to
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